Today marks exactly 15 years since I started my first full time corporate job in Ghana.

The next day, I found out I was pregnant! This changed everything in the most unexpected ways.

Every year around this time, I reflect on this experience and this year I thought I should share some aha moments I’ve been musing on with you.

You see, we had just gotten married and I somehow fantasized about ‘enjoying ourselves’ for at least 2 years before having children. 

Besides, I was on probation at my new job. What were they going to think of me? What would I do? In the beginning it was confusion galore in my mind and a lot of anger towards my husband. Of course I blamed him for getting me pregnant! Haha

In this episode of Mind Your Business,I share some of the eye-opening experiences I had from getting pregnant, having young children as a career woman and even getting an IWD fixed so my husband and I can ‘do the do’ in peace! 

This reflection path has convinced me, now more than ever that WE NEED TO BE AT THE TABLE. PERIOD! For there is no way others can understand the diversity of experiences women have, just by virtue of being women.

I hope you watch the full episode, share your comments and forward it to others. 

Have a fabulous new month!

Ama xxPS: Mind Your Business is one of our free resource, if you prefer to work with me one on one, then go to amaduncan.com/store to book a discovery call with me https://amaduncan.com/store