Priscilla Wellington is The Powersmile Ambassador redefining customer service in Africa’s hospitality and in the corporate space. She originated the Powersmile campaign.
Priscilla is a Certified Professional Trainer and Certified Customer Service Expert from IAPPD (International Association of Peoples Performance Development). She is also a Certified NLP Practitioner from Reed-Robbins Performance Solutions, Hotelier by profession, a Hospitality Consultant, Customer Service Coach and Lead Trainer at Customer Service Africa with a mandate to redefine customer service. She also founded Green Trek Tours and is the Director of Membership and Board member of Women in Tourism International Alliance (WITIA).
Priscilla was named the Brand Ambassador for the 5th Ghana Hoteliers Association Awards in 2022, Africa’s Most Influential Woman in Business and Governance finalist nominee in 2014 and a GIBS woman in ministry.
There’s just something about this woman! I’m glad to have had the opportunity to talk about what that means as well as her passion to help improve customer service in Africa.
Enjoy her interview and do follow her to learn more about the upcoming Customer Service Summit. You and your fabulous team members deserve this investment.
Ama xx
PS: Do you need to unpack a personal life, work or business situation in order to move forward? I have cleared my calendar to have 30-minute coaching conversations. If this is what you need, call/WhatsApp +233 246 25 2330 or book here