Hiya, over the next couple of months we’ll be sharing some of the presentations from Fab Youth Camp. This is so that other youth who were not physically present can learn from the mentors. 

Please share with others you know.

Today’s episode is the presentation from Mrs. Hannah Hilda Ewoame, an Assistant Director at the Ghana Prisons Service, Officer In Charge of Kumasi Female Prison and a Counselor by profession. 

PS: The main language was Twi for the sake of the audience. Below is a summary of what she shared:

·       She wanted to be a nurse when she was a child; however when she saw a nurse and teacher join the Ghana Prisons Service, she realized it may be a better option

·       She joined the service twenty (20) years ago as a Counsellor

·       Prisons is part of the Ghana’s Criminal Justice system and their responsibilities include:

o   Safe custody, i.e. to make sure inmates don’t escape

o   Welfare of the prisoners, e.g. taking them to the hospital, giving them food, etc

o   Reformation. We  help them to change from their previous deeds with the help of counsellors, pastors and imams

o   Rehabilitation, i.e. equipping them with skills after they have gone through the reformation stage.

·       Inmates have access to education in prison

·       Those interested can join either recruit – junior officers  and cadet – senior officers .

o   NVTI, WASSCE or SSCE is needed to join the Recruit

o   First and Second degree holders come as senior officers and will be placed at their field of study

o   Physical appearance is no longer needed to join the prisons. What is needed is to be fit to go through the training and must have confidence

·       Officers get free accommodation, water and electricity and hospital refund for themselves, their spouse and children

·       It is very important to have passion for the job

·       There are opportunities to upgrade to senior levels

·       There are also opportunities to travel abroad for different programmes

·       In Ghana, officers are transferred which is part of the job.

·       Training is for nine (9) months in total

Enjoy this beautiful presentation here https://youtu.be/aMuHS3xqhVs

Ama xx