Merry Christmas!
I hope the season is going beautifully well for you. In today’s episode of Mind Your Business, we wrap up the conversation on Understanding The Times; Taking Care Of Your Intellectual Wellness.
If you’ve followed us for a while then I bet you’ve heard about my journey with money at least a gazillion times! I was the girl who was always broke and was tired of being tired of being broke! Until I discovered the Rich Dad And Poor Dad book. That was the beginning of my turnaround. This is just an example of what happens when we start paying attention to our intellectual wellness.
As we end yet another year, now is a good time to take care of our intellectual wellness. I encourage you to listen to the full episode and see what you take home.
You are fabulous in this season and always.
Ama xx
PS: Mind Your Business is one of our free resource, if you prefer to work with me one on one, then go to to book a discovery call with me